Saturday, January 5, 2013

Wucky, Wucky Year!

The morning after Christmas Sam wanted to go downstairs at 6:30 a.m.  I was thinking, you've got to be kidding me.  We talked some about the gifts he got from so many people who love him so dearly.  As we walked down the stairs, holding hands, he said, "I'm such a wucky, wuckly boy!"

I have told everyone about this.  I thought it was just so precious.  I also love that in his little almost 4 year old heart he knows that he is blessed.  And that he feels blessed.

I'm so wucky, wucky, too!

I feel like 2013 is going to be such and amazing year.  The shift has already started.  Don't get me wrong, I did not say it was going to be easy.  It feels really challenging, but I know that I am going to be standing in such a different place at the end of this year.  I'm opening myself up to different possibilities and opportunities.  I'm reviewing last year.  I'm making lists and plans and dreaming about this new year.

How 'bout you?  Are you feeling like 2013 is going to be a wucky, wucky year?

Stay tuned for lots of positivity and change and new ideas here, soon. . .

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Recap of 2012 Word of the Year

Last year my word for the year was "Enchantment."  I wanted to be enchanting, and I wanted to be enchanted.  The year actually took an interesting turn, and hindsight leads me to believe that my actual word for the year was disenchantment.

Don't get me wrong I had many amazing experiences and memories.  I did some pretty enchanting stuff with secret missions and teaching kids about kindness.  I started yoga teacher training.  {This feels like such an internal game changer for me--wow!  I am enchanted!}  I have been blessed with so many joyful and hilarious memories with Sam.

I've also witnessed some Truth that I really didn't want to look at--about myself and some relationships I have.  I've been working through some really hard decisions.  I feel disenchanted.  Some of my innocence bubbles have burst.  Ironically I think all of that is leading me toward the life and work that I will find enchanting, but it doesn't feel that way now.

I'm experiencing a radical internal paradigm shift.  I told a friend that I know I'm going to be fantastic when I get to the other side, but I'm just now there yet.

All that to say, I've been pretty quiet here and at Brave Teachers for the past couple of months.  I've been putting on my own oxygen mask and sitting with change, because now I do want to enchant you with the gifts I have been unearthing.  There is so much brewing!  Stay tuned. . .

Happy New Year!