
Monday, July 20, 2015

Monday Challenge: Create Ripples

Dear Amazing, Courageous, and Strong You,

I have been saving this quote for a special day, and today is that day.

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.  {Mother Teresa}

I thought it would be fun to have a little fun challenge each Friday. {I was painting this Friday so for many of you this has become the Monday Challenge!} The challenge today is. . .CREATE A RIPPLE!  Take one little step today that is going to make your corner of the world a changed place.  Take food to someone you have been meaning to visit, pay for groceries for someone in front of you in line, put a free box in front of your house and give away things you don't need, take someone's kids for a few hours so they can have a little breathing room, buy something locally made or grown.  Oh, man, this list could go on forever!  I hope that is enough to spark your ripple creating mind!  {I would love to hear what you are doing via email or FB or the Brave Teachers website comments}

Have you seen what Brave Teachers is up to these days?
I'd love to have you join in the fun!
Check these out:
  • Have you seen the two fun art making workshops I'm doing at ACoT?  On July 28, there is Papermaking from 11 - 1.  Make as much as you can.  It's earth friendly art that is great for cards, books, collages, scrap books, and so much more.  Get details and sign up here. Then on July 30, there is Book Art from 11 - 1.  There will be a variety of samples, instructions for a few simple books, and then lots of time to create the books you want.  Here you will find details or sign up.
  • No Brave Yoga again until July 30th.  I am out of town!
  • Have you check out Personalized Professional Development HERE?  Have you shared it with your favorite school principal or administrator?  I would be so very grateful if you would take 5 minutes and share a link with someone who might want to invest in their school this way next year.
  • NO papermaking at ACoT until July 27

Wishing you an amazing week making lots of ripples!

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