Friday, February 15, 2013

Cherish the Moments

I've been really quiet around here.  My plate has been crazy full in unexpected ways.  I feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things--not the same old, same old--but some really new and beautiful stuff full of light and life and creativity and hope.  (If you're a teacher hoping for some everyday ordinary inspirations, it's coming!)

One of the best things I've gotten to do is cherish lots of moments with this little cutie pie!  I think he looks so sweet and earnest in this photo.  (Don't be fooled!)

We went on an impromptu outing to the Akron Zoo on an unseasonably warm day in January.  He loves these penguin figures and always runs right up to them.  He also loves the penguins there and still talks about feeding them last year with his Daddy.  This was just about 10 days before he turned 4.  Can you believe he's four years old?  (More about the robot party(ies) soon, too!)

He is growing and changing so much everyday.  Honestly, I don't want to be so busy that I miss it.  I want to cherish every single moment.  I want to learn to cherish the dark and light in equal measure.  I want to to cherish hope and despair, beauty and mundane, difficult and gentle.  I'm trying to breathe it in--deep into my soul.

What have you been up to for the past few months?

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