Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Doing For Others What I Wish Someone Would Do For Me

If you're a frequent flyer of this blog then you know that I'm trying something new this year--I'm trying to occasionally do for others what I wish someone would do for me. I keep having really cool experiences with unexpected results.

Here are 3 recent experiences I've had with sharing affirmations. I think my little affirmations are like fortune cookies for the heart and spirit. They have some miraculous powers that I'm not even going to pretend I understand. I had the above pictured bowl of affirmations on my craft table at the Fall Fest I did a few weeks ago. It was so much fun to offer them to other people. Then I had them available last week on conference day for me coworkers. Yesterday I took them to my professional development day meeting and shared them. Have a mentioned that teachers are much more hesitant to accept these than the average person walking by. (I have no scientifically valid data to support this, but. . .)

I have been inspired to do these kind of crazy and spontaneous actions by the amazing likes of Amanda over at Kind Over Matter and Patience at Kindness Girl.

What action have you been inspired to take? Who inspired you?

P.S. If you're looking for some lovely cards or a little gift, check out the card sets I just put up on the Brave Teachers Etsy Shop

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