Two things are little snippets of inspiration and sanity that are keeping me going in an otherwise hectic and overcommitted few weeks.
Last night I read this line that has come to the surface numerous times today:
For everything that has happened, thanks. For everything that will happen, yes.
To me that line just screams gratitude and acceptance--two focal points that I'm gazing toward more than I have before. I wonder what would happen if I said yes to everything that came my way and let go of the shoulds that I wouldn't get to. How would my life be different? How would my internal landscape shift?
And then today's questions/challenge from Dream Lab was:
Today, what would happen if you let yourself believe for just a second that saying yes to your current courage challenge would make you not only be glad, but would pave the way for a miracle?
I want to learn how to say yes. I feel like yes often resonates inside of me. Sometimes I even whisper it. But I want to say yes. I want to shout it! I want to hear it echoing.
For me I think my greatest courage challenge is letting go of the shoulds. If I clear some of that out, I believe I will have much more room for yes.
What is keeping you from saying yes?
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