I'm so excited to be doing the first giveaway of the summer season. It's a little pre-4th of July goodness.
I can't even tell you how sweet and inspiring and gorgeous the cards in Affirmative Greetings are!! Stunning! I'm going to give away a set on this blog AND ANOTHER set over on BraveTeachers.com.
Let's cut right to the chase:
So how do you enter?
For every great way you connect to this blog OR BraveTeacher.com, leave a comment. Here are some examples for this blog: Follow this blog, read this blog (that get you 2 entries--just leave 2 quick comments) Did you sign up for Sweet Summer Treats? Did you check out Affirmative Greetings on Etsy?--give yourself more entries! PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT FOR EACH ENTRY--JUST CUT AND PASTE, IF YOU LIKE!
And over at BraveTeachers.com you can do all those things + sign up at contacts + download any of the freebies or anything else.
Some other ways to get even more entries would be to include us on your blog roll or to even blog about us and the love and kindness and authenticity that we share. Or share us on Facebook or Twitter or anywhere your peeps hangout.
Do you see how easy it is to enter???! Enter away, brave hearts!
This weekend the Random Generator will choose a lucky winner at each site and those 2 lucky winners will choose the card set of their choice!!