Saturday, March 5, 2011

Secret Mission Revealed

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So I told you I was going on a secret mission. My secret mission was a card drop. I left little turquoise cards anywhere and everywhere I went. They had little inspiring quotes and affirmations on them.

While this was a great experience that was full of simple surprises and unexpected turns, the most surprising part was what it did for me. I was so ENERGIZED--especially on a creative level. I had good strong clear ideas spilling out of me and into my spiral notebook all day long. It will take me several weeks to just enact the ideas I had.

I continue to be amazed and surprised by how giving to others affects me. I wrote about it here a few months ago. My secret mission once again reinforced this crazy concept that when we giving we receive so much in return. I'm already thinking about my next secret mission!

How does giving affect you?

1 comment:

  1. ooooo what fun! I do this too. In fact, just this morning I left little cards hanging from trees on my morning walk! Youre right - so much of it is for me more than whoever finds them. Though I hope they like them too.

    I would love to invite you to visit my project and consider joining it:
