I've been meaning to blog about this for a while. Now is the time. I am sooo amazed by what kids can/will do when given the opportunity. The donation box above was created by 2 students in my class. In addition to a donation box they wrote school wide announcements, made posters, and set up a table outside the kitchen for donations.
Why? There are 2 students in our school this year with leukemia. You know how powerless you feel when you hear a child has cancer? Kids feel the same way. They also have that deep fear that something could happen to them, too. While we grown-ups have had that feeling so many times, we're often numb to it, kids aren't.
Kids are full of power and hope and a desire to make the world a better place. I love to see them run with these ideas. I wish to be an agent of empowerment for the kids who are full of this good stuff.
How do you empower those around you?
Kids really are amazing.