Friday, May 13, 2011

The Appeal of Art: Toddler vs. Adult Conformity

I recently went with my husband and son to the Akron Art Museum to see and amazing M.C. Escher exhibit. It's fantastic!

We've all seen the Escher art that makes its way onto calendars and posters, but I saw so much more. I was completely drawn to pieces I had never seen before. I was also struck by how much art a 2 year old can absorb. On the way to the museum we talked about what colors he would want to see at the museum. Blue, and green, and yellow. Although he did not mention pink, he loved the pink "Q" sculpture. We actually bought a postcard to take home. We played "I spy" with pieces. Can you find the bird? Do you see a fish? Can you find the nose on this sculpture?

He looked so intently at art. He was super good about holding our hand or being carried and not touching any of the art. He wasn't nearly as impressed with Escher as he was by the big pink "Q" and other colorful pieces. It made me think about how subjective art really is. I'm also stuck by how he clearly knew what he did and didn't like. I hope he can stick to his own opinions and avoid conformity for as long as possible. I hope.

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