So I have all the usual human foibles and desires, and then some. I want to be liked, valued, and respected. I want to have hair that doesn't frizz. I want to feel good about the work I do, both personally--for myself and little family and professionally--for my students, their families, my coworkers, school district, and other teachers. I want to wake up and magically be thinner and prettier. I am broken and human. I have overwhelming weakness and flaws. Part of me thinks this is all very superficial. Actually those are the surface desires. There is more underneath.
But the deepest longing is to just be genuinely satisfied with myself, as I am. Loving that girl. Even with my flaws. Even the flaws. I want to believe that even with my imperfections other people can see the good I do and the good I am. That I am enough. That I am a gift.
It's often easy to see my strengths, but what about my weaknesses? Can they be an asset and not just a liability? For the first time in my life I'm starting to say yes. It has me really off balance. It's also propelling me forward--into unexplored territory. In an unexpected way I am being inspired by weakness.
There are pockets of my life that will never value weakness. How do I survive there? Or do I need to step away? How do I respond to the discomfort?
So today I am celebrating I am a flawed and weak gift. I am inspired by the potential of nurturing and caring for the complete package that is me.
How are you inspired by yourself?