Thursday, August 12, 2010

Surprises Close To Home

It's easy to think that all the amazing stuff is far from where I live, especially when I live close to where I grew up. After all, if it was cool and amazing, wouldn't I have already seen it or at least heard about it?

I think it's about a mental fantasy, that what is accessible to me is not enough, or even if it seems like enough it must be much better somewhere else.

Today that myth was debunked.

I wanted to take a trip to IKEA before school started, 2hours away, but there is no way the little boy would sit contentedly in a carseat that long. So now it was up to me to find some cool place where he could stop and stretch his legs. (Read this: RUN!)

And now enters Lanterman's Mill. This place is amazing and beautiful and historical and run by Metro Parks. I love metro parks! It's a real working mill. The view is spectacular. (See photos!) You can even buy flour and meal ground there.

This is about 1 hour from my house. I wonder what other surprises are close to home? What surprises do you find close to your home?

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